Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasil'evich, 1711-1765.
Various notes and manuscripts (in "Lomonassoviana"), 1741-ca. 1762.
Includes three collections: 1) blocknote containing various rough manuscripts by Lomonosov on Russian grammar; also "Sud Rossijskikh pis'men pered razumom i obychaem ot Grammatiki predstavlennoj," vocabulary materials, etc. It is bound, has "112" on the back. In the catalog of the exhibition "Lomonosov and Elizabethian Times" it is designated under the number "165;" 2) "The Ode to the Birthday of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna" starting with the words: "Kakoj utekhi obshchej luch..." A translation of the ode by acad. Ia.Ia. Shtelin. 2 pages in Lomonosov's hand, dated from 18 December 1741; and, 3) "Mezhevaia kniga Kantseliarii Akademii Nauk sovetnika i professora Mikhajla Vesil'eva syna Lomonosova na evo dachiu Koporskogo uezdu na derevniu Golubovjtsu" (archaic Russian, approx. translation: "Measuring-(boundary)-book by the counsellor and professor from the Academy of Science Office Mikhaila Vasil'ev, Lomonosov's son, to his country-cottage in Koporskij count, to Golubovitsa village.)" 7 pages, dated from 15 July 1762.
Russian chemist, astronomer, grammarian, historian; often called founder of Russian science; wrote poems, drama.
Elizabeth, Empress of Russia, 1709-1762 -- Anniversaries, etc.
Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasil evich, 1711-1765 -- Family.
Lomonosov and Elizabethian Times [exhibition].
Kings and rulers -- Russia -- 18th century.
Property -- Measurement -- Russia -- Golubovitsa -- 18th century.
Russian language -- Grammar.
Russian language -- Vocabulary.
Odes. lcsh
Shtelin, Ia. Ia.
Russian Academy of Sciences. St. Petersburg Branch. Archive. Universitetskaia hab., 1, Korp. 2, St. Petersburg 199034