Rubinowicz, Wojciech
Wojciech Rubinowicz letters to Natanson, 1884-1937.
Two letters, 1918, to W. Natanson on theory of dispersion.
Rubinowicz (1889-1974). Physicist (theory of radiation, quantum mechanics, mathematical physics). A. Sommerfeld's assistant in Munich, 1916-1918; professor in Lubljana, 1920-1922; Lwow, 1922-1941; higher schools and institutes in Warsaw, 1946-1974.
Dispersion -- Research.
Physicists -- Poland. lcsh
Natanson, W adys aw, 1864-1937
Biblioteka Jagiellonska. Dept. of Manuscripts. A. Mickiewicza 22, 30-059 Cracow