Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk. Gruppa Tekhnicheskoi Fisiki Otdeleniya Tekhnicheskikh.
Russian Academy of Sciences Department of Technical Sciences Group of Technical Physics records, 1935-1940.
Includes: protocols and shorthand reports of the sessions of the Group concerning state and problems of the Time Service, the methods of applied geophysics, the magnetic analysis, the magnetic and ultra sonic defectoscopy, the propogation of ultrashort waves, the improvement of the transformator steel; protocols and shorthand reports of conferences of the commissions of the Group: Commission on Photochemistry (Forokhimicheskoi), Commission on Semiconductors and Magnetic Materials (Poluprovodnikovykh i magnitnykh materialov), Commission on Technology of the Time Service (Tekhniki Sluzhby Vremeni), and Commission on Radio Communication, 1936-1938; research plans of the institutions of the Group; the texts of reports held in the sessions of the Group, as follows: (V. F. Mitkevich, "The Conditions of the Research Activity in the Magnetic Analysis and Magnetic Defectoscopy" (1937); M. A Shatelen, "Improvement of the Lighting Economy as a Resource of the Energetic Sparing," (1937); S. O. Maizel , "On the Problem of the Definition of the Main Concept of the Photospectroscopy and Lighting Technology," (1937), and others); materials of the expedition of the Central Prospecting Research Institute (Central'nyi nauchno-issledovatel'skii geologo-razvedochnyi institut) to test geophysical methods by K. K. Korovin.
The Group was founded in 1936 as a part of the Department of Technical Sciences, in 1939 it was reorganized in the Section of the Electroconnection (or Electro communication?) (Sekciya Elektroscyazi) in the same Department and partically united with the PHysical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Geophysics -- Methodology.
Lighting (Technology) -- Soviet Union.
Magnetic materials.
Materials -- Defects -- Testing.
Materials science -- Soviet Union.
Materials -- Testing.
Photochemistry -- Research.
Physics -- Research.
Radio -- Communication systems -- Soviet Union.
Scientific expeditions -- Arctic regions.
Scientific expeditions -- North Pole.
Steel -- Technological innovations.
Time -- Systems and standards -- Soviet Union.
Ultrasonic testing.
Wave propagation.
Reports. aat
Magnetic testing. phys-t
Korovin, K. K.
Maizel, S. O.
Mitkevich, V. F.
Shatelen, M. A.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Dept. of Technical Sciences. Group of Technical Physics. Central Prospecting Research Institute.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Dept. of Technical Sciences. Group of Technical Physics. Commission on Photochemistry.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Dept. of Technical Sciences. Group of Technical Physics. Commission on Semiconductors and Magnetic Materials.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Dept. of Technical Sciences. Group of Technical Physics. Commission on Technology of the Time Service.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Dept. of Technical Sciences. Group of Technical Physics. Commission on Radio Communication.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Archive. ul. Novocheremushkinskaia, 34, Moscow, 117218, Russia