Akademiia nauk SSSR. Laboratoria anizotropnykh structur
Russian Academy of Sciences Laboratory for Anisotropic Structures records, 1952-1959.
Includes: materials concerning the organization and activity of the Laboratory; annual research plans; annual accounts of activity; protocols of sessions of the Scientific Council of the Laboratory (since 1956); protocols of the conference of the management; protocols of the technological meeting on "Ultrasonic Vibrations of High Magnitude" (1954); research proposals and applications of fellows; addresses to 2nd International Congress of Acousticians (1956) and 2nd International Conference on Peaceful Use of Atomic Energy (1958); research programs dealing with applications of fiber anitropic materials; staff and financial documentation.
On 10 July 1952 the Laboratory was distinguished from the Institute for the Crystallography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR as an independent institution of the Academy. On 2 August 1957 it came into the Institute for the Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and on 1 June 1959 it was disolved. Its directors were: A. K. Burov, 1952-1957; N. N. Semenov, 1957-1959.
Anisotropy -- Research -- Soviet Union.
Materials science -- Research.
Nuclear energy -- Congresses.
Nuclear energy -- International cooperation.
Ultrasonics (Acoustics) -- Congresses -- Soviet Union.
Laboratories -- Soviet Union.
Financial records. aat
Plans. aat
Reports. aat
Proposals. aat
Speeches. aat
Fibers -- Research.
Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Laboratory for Anisotropic Structures.
International Congress of Acousticians. 2nd :(1958)
United Nations. Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy 2nd :(1958)
Burov, A. K.
Semenov, N. N. (Nikola Nikolaevich), 1896-1986
Russian Academy of Sciences. Archive. ul. Novocheremushkinskaia, 34, Moscow, 117218, Russia