Soviet Union. TSentralnyi Ispolnitelny . Assotsia institutov estestvoznaniya kommunisticheskoi akademii.
Association of Institutes of Natural Sciences of the Communist Academy records of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR, 1925-1932.
Includes: documents concerning the history of physics and astronomy in USSR; protocols of colloquiums: on physical chemistry and on molecular physics; protocols of sessions, plans, financial accounts of Physical Department of the Section, 1928; also similar documentation for the Association, 1930-1931; also for the Section for Astronomy and Geodesy of the Association, 1931; protocols of sessions, plans, reports, correspondence and abstracts of lectures of the Circle of Mathematicians and Physicists-materialists, 1928-1930; shorthand reports of the organizing meeting, the members lists and protocols of meetings of the Society of Physicists-materialists, 1931, working plan of the Society for 1932; various materials (programs, lists of learners, correspondence) concerning the creation and the activity of the Courses for teachers of physics attached to the Communist Academy; documentation of the expert commission of the Mathematical Section concerning scientific value of K. V. Brodovskii's conclusions in regard to "internal contradictions of relativity theory," his open letter to A. Einstein, 1930; conclusions made on examining the activity of the Institute for Physics and Biophysics (Institut fiziki i biofiziki) and Thermoengineering Institute (Tepoltekhnicheskii institut), 1931; shorhand reports on addresses: A. Ya. Khinchin, "The Teaching of Mazes about Probability and Principles of Physical Statistics," 1929; A. I. Variash, "The Causality Principle in Physics, 1930; E. Kol'man, "Contemporary Tasks Facing Mathematicians and Physicists Who Are Materialists-dialecticians," 1930; A. O. Apirin, "On Criticism of Existing Manuals of Physics," 1931; A. F. Ioffe, "Physics in the Period of Reconstruction," 1930; F. Zyberev, "Ferma's Great Theorem as One of the Most Important Physical Problems" (undated).
The Association of Institutes was formed on 11 May 1930 (Between 11 December 1924 and 1930 it was functioning as the Section for Natural and Mathematical Sciences) by Communist Academy (Sekciya estestvennykh i tochnykh nauk Kommunisticheskoi akademii). It was dissolved in 1932. In March 1925 the Division for Physical and Mathematical Sciences was formed in the Section. In 1928-1929 it was divided into separate physical and mathematical units which were then reorganized into Section after the forming of the Association. After June 1927 the Circle of Physicists-materialists (after 1930 called the Society of Physicists-materialists) was functioning by the Section. The chairman of the Section for Natural and Mathematical Sciences was O. Yu. Schmidt (1924-1930), the chairman of the Assocation of Institutes was E. Kol'man (1930-1932) (its physical parts were cured by B. M. Gessen).
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955
Astronomy -- History -- Soviet Union.
Biophysics -- Research -- Soviet Union.
Chemistry, Physical and theoretical -- Research.
Geodesy -- Research.
Mathematicans -- Societies, etc. -- Soviet Union.
Molecules -- Research.
Physicists -- Societies, etc. -- Soviet Union.
Physics -- Curricula -- Soviet Union.
Physics -- History -- Soviet Union.
Physics -- Research -- Soviet Union.
Relativity (Physics) -- Research.
Thermodynamics -- Research.
Contracts. aat aat
Plans (reports). aat
Reports. aat
Lists. aat
Chemistry, Physical and theoretical phys-t
Apirin, A. O.
Brodovskii, K. V.
Ioffe, A. F. (Abram Fedorovich), 1880-1960.
Kol an, E.
Variash. A. I.
Zyberev, F.
Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Institute for Physics and Biophysics.
Akademii a nauk SSSR
Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Thermoengineering Institute.
Soviet Union. Central Executive Committee. Communist Academy. Institutes of Natural Sciences.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Archive. ul. Novocheremushkinskaia, 34, Moscow, 117218, Russia