Akademiia nauk SSSR. Prezidium. Otdel rabot po atomnoi ehnerguii
Division on Work for Atomic Energy of Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR records, 1948-1962.
Includes thematic and annual research plans; plans and reports on the research in atomic physics using components of radium; plans and reports on the researach in atomic physics using stable isotopies and radiation in physics, chemsitry, engineering, and biology; shorthand reports of the sessions of the Scientific Board on Nucelar Physics of the Presidium of the Academy; thematic plans and reports on research acitivity of the Scientific Board on Nuclear Physics of the Presidium of the Academy; various information on researach carried out by the Radium Institute (Radievyi institut) (Nuclear fission induced by space rays), the Institute for Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine (Exploration of diffusion and electrolitic processes in the themoelectric oxide cathode by means of tagged atoms), the Institute for the Chemcial Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Exploration of the oxidizing mechanism of butane and pentane), the Institute for Biophysics of the AS USSR (Explortion of the methods and techniques of the photomeasurements), the laboratory No. 1 of the Institute for the Metal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Gamma-Defectoscopy and Betatrone gamma-radiation), the Department of the Biophysics of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (General principles of biological purification of radioactive sewage), others; materials to domestic conferences and meetings on magnetic movement of nuclei (1953), on spectroscopy of atomic nuclei and nuclear levels (1954), on use of isotopes and radiation in the nationl economy and science (1957); materials to international scientific conferences: on isotopes (Paris, 1957), on peaceful use of atomic energy (Geneva, 1958), on nuclear technologies (Chicago, 1959), on the use of isotopes in industry and physical research (Copenhagen, 1960), others; materials on explorations carried out on nuclear piles and accelerations of charged particles; correspondence with MAGATE about participation in international programs on use of nuclear energy.
The Division of Work for Atomic Energy of Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR as formed on 2 January 1957 and dissolved on 31 July 1963. (It was the base for creation of the structural group for atomic energy in the Section for Physical and Technical and Mathematical Sciences.) The heads of the Division: I. T. Aladiev (1957-1962), V. F. Kuleshov (1962-1963).
Nuclear energy -- Administration -- Soviet Union.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Archive. ul. Novocheremushkinskaia, 34, Moscow, 117218, Russia