Institut astronomii (Rossi skai a akademii a nauk).
Astronomical Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences records, 1936-1981.
Includes: reports on the history of the establishment and activity of the Council, its Statute; protocols of sessions of the Council Presidium, its commissions and subcommissions; protocols of scientific council sessions (after 1964); shorthand reports of the sessions and plenary sessions of the Council; annual and perspective plans of research in the Council, its commissions and other astronomical institutions; annual accounts of the Council activity, of activity of its commissions and astronomical institutions; accounts of the research in the Kuibyshevskaya and Zubchaninovskaya observatories; accounts to the International Astronomical Union concerning astronomical research in the USSR after 1947; orders of the chairmen to the Council (after 1944); staff and financial documentation; reports of Soviet scientists to Congresses of the International Astronomical Union (V. A. Ambartzumyan, A. N. Deutsch, M. S. Zverev, V. G. Fesenkov, G. A. Shain, and others to 8th Congress in Rome in 1952; V. V. Vitkevich, V. L. Ghinzburg, S. B. Pikel'ner, V. S. Troitskii, I. S. Shklovskii, B. M. Chikhachev and others to 9th Congresss in Dublin in 1955); materials of the Organizing Committee of the 10th Congresss of the International Astronomical Union in Moscow (1954-1955); materials concerning the membership of the Astronomical Council and its fellows in the Union and other international astronomical organizations and participation in their activity; proceedings of the conferences and meetings organized by the Council (Meeting on the Cosmogony in 1938, the Conference on Celestial Mechanics and the All-union Gravimetric meeting in 1940, the Latitude Conference in 1949, the 2nd Meteorite Conference in 1950, the Conference on the Photoobservations of the Artifical Earth Satellites in 1958, among others); correspondence with foreign astronomical institutions on book exchange, on participation in solar research, on coordination in observations on variable stars, on observations on artificial earth satellites, etc.; correspondence with institutions of the Academy about publishing the Council proceedings, about construction of the great telescope, about participation in the international astronomical programs, etc.
The Institute was formed on 20 December 1930 as the Astronomical Council (Astrosovet) attached to Physics Group of the Department for Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the Academy; in 1990 it was reorganized into an Institute. The chairmen of the Council were: V. G. Fesenkov (1936-1937); A. A. Mikhailov (1939-1962); E. P. Mustel' (1963-1987); A. A. Boyarchuk (after 1987).
Artificial satellites -- Congresses.
Astronomy -- Congresses -- Attendance.
Astronomy -- Intellectual cooperation.
Celestial mechanics -- Congresses.
Cosmogony (Astronomy) -- Congresses.
Exchanges, Literary and scientific -- Soviet Union.
Intellectual cooperation -- Soviet Union.
Latitude (Astronomy) -- Congresses.
Meteorites -- Congresses.
Physics -- Research.
Research institutes -- Soviet Union.
Stars, Variable -- Observations -- International coopertion.
Sun -- Research.
Technology -- Planning -- Soviet Union.
Financial records. aat
Reports. aat
Ambart s umi a n, V. A. (Viktor Amazaspovich)
Chikhachev, B. M.
Deutsch, A. N.
Fesenkov, V. G. (Vasili Grigor evich), 1889-
Ghinzburg, V. L.
Pikel ner, S. B. (Solomon Borisovich)
Shain, G. A.
Shklovski , I. S.
Troit s ki , V. S.
Vitkevich, V. V.
Zverev, M. S.
Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Dept. for Mathematical and Natural Sciences. Physics Group. Astronomical Council -- Documentation.
Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Dept. for Mathematical and Natural Sciences. Physics Group. Astronomical Council Presidium.
Institut astronomii (Rossi skai a akademii a -- History.
International Astronomical Union -- Congresses -- Attendance.
Kuibyshevskaya Astronomical Observatory.
Zubchaninovskaya Astronomical Observatory
2nd Meteorite Conference (1950: Soviet Union)
8th Congress of the International Astronomical Union (1952: Rome)
9th Congress of the International Astronomical Union (1955: Dublin)
10th Congress of the International Astronomical Union. Organizing Committee.
All-union Gravimetric Meeting (1940)
Conference on Celestial Mechanics.
Conference on Photoobservations of Artificial Earth Satellites (1950: Soviet Union)
Meeting on the Cosmogony (1938: Soviet Union)
Boyarchuk, A. A.
Mikhailov, A. A.
Mustel, E. P.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Archive. ul. Novocheremushkinskaia, 34, Moscow, 117218, Russia