Rossiiskaia akademiia nauk. Otdelenie iaderno fiziki.
Russian Academy of Sciences Department for Nuclear Physics records, 1963-1985.
Includes: accounts and shorthand reports of the Common and annual sessions (Obstchie i godichnyie sobraniya), those of conferences of the Department Bureau; shorthand reports of scientific sessions and conferences on the problems of nuclear physics by low and high temperature, on particle physics, on the theory of the atomic nucleus, on the physics of cosmic rays, on the symmetry and interaction of particles, on the application of isotropic cyclotrons; programs of the Department sessions and theses of the accounts of them; perspective working plans of Department organizations; annual accounts of scientific and administrative activity of the Department; Department organizations accounts of their scientific and research activity (inter alia, the Institute for Nuclear Studies, the Yerevan Physical Institute, the Institute for the Nuclear Physics in Leningrad, the Department for Physics and Mathematics of Bashkir Branch of the Academy, the Department for Physical Sciences of Siberian Department of the Academy, the Institute for Nuclear Physics of Siberian Department of the Academy; also of Problem Scientific Councils (Problemnyi nauchnyi sovet) by the Department for Nuclear Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences; individual accounts to the Department of scientific activity of full and corresponding members of the Academy; materials to election companies of full and corresponding members of the Academy in Department; materials of an examination of the activity of the Institute for Nuclear Studies and some institutes related to the Academies of Sciences of Union Republics.
Secretary acdemicians of the Department for the Nuclear Physis of the Russian Academy of Sciences: V. I. Veksler (1963-1966); M. A. Markov (1968-1988); A. N. Skrinskii (1988- ).
Akademii a nauk SSSR. Otdelenie i a derno fiziki -- Documentation.
Atomic theory
Cosmic rays -- Research.
High temperatures -- Research -- Soviet Union.
Low temperature research -- Soviet Union.
Nuclear physics -- Research -- Soviet Union.
Particles (Nuclear physics) -- Research. aip
Physics -- Research -- Soviet Union.
Science -- Soviet Union.
Research institutes -- Soviet Union.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Dept. for Nuclear Physics. Department Bureau -- Administration.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Dept. for Nuclear Physics. Department Bureau -- Membership.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Dept. for Nuclear Physics. Bashkir Branch. Dept. for Physics and Mathematics.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Dept. for Nuclear Physics -- Congresses.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Dept. for Nuclear Physics Institute for Nuclear Physics (Leningrad).
Russian Academy of Sciences. Dept. for Nuclear Physics. Institute for Nuclear Studies.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Dept. for Nuclear Physics -- Research.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Dept. for Nuclear Physics Yerevan Physical Institute.
Veskler, V. I.
Markov, M. A.
Skrinski , A. N.
Russian Academy of Sciences. Archive. ul. Novocheremushkinskaia, 34, Moscow, 117218, Russia