Natanson, W adys aw, 1864-1937
Wladyslaw Natanson correspondence, 1884-1937.
Incoming letters from, among others, C. Bialobrzeski, 1911-1935; S. H. Burbury, 1895-1936; A. Einstein, 1915-1917; L. Infeld, 1926-1935; O. H. Kammerlingh, 1898-1915; S. Loria, 1906-1916; W. Ostwald, 1891-1902; M. Planck, 1891-1927; W. Rubinowicz, 1918-1927; M. Rudzki, 1880-1913; M. Smoluchowski, 1898-1917; A. Sommerfeld, 1905-1917; J. E. Trevor, 1896-1910; M. Wolfe, 1908-1927; K. Zakrzewski, 1902-1932.
Physicist (thermodynamics, irreversible processes, quantum sttistics, optics). Professor at the physics faculty of the Jagellonian University, Cracow, 1891-1934; vice chancellor, 1922-1923.
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955
Infeld, Leopold, 1898-1968.
Smoluchowski, Marian, 1872-1917.
Physicists -- Poland.
Bialobrzeski, C.
Burbury, S. H.
Kamerlingh Onnes, Heike, 1853-1926.
Loria, S.
Ostwald, W.
Planck, Max, 1858-1947.
Rubinowicz, W.
Rudzki, M.
Sommerfeld, Arnold, 1868-1951.
Trevor, J.
Wolfke, M.
Zakrzewski, K.
Biblioteka Jagiellonska. Dept. of Manuscripts. A. Mickiewicza 22, 30-059 Cracow