Astronomische Gesellschaft (Germany)
Archive of the German Astronomical Society, 1945-[ongoing].
The archive for Astronomische Gesellschaft (German Astronomical Society) contains solely the publications of the Society, and remainders of: mitteilungen der Astronomische Gesellschaft (from 1949); portraits of members (from 1931); history of the Society (Schmeidler, 1988); copy of Johannes Kepler's dissertation, 'Dissertatio cum Nuncio Sidero' (1610) (faksimilie, 1964); newer publications of the Society: 'Reviews in Modern Astronomy'(from 1988) and 'AG Abstract Series'(from 1988).
Kepler, Johannes, 1571-1630 Dissertatio cum Nuncio Sidero.
Astronomische Gesellschaft (Germany) -- History.
Astronomische Gesellschaft (Germany) -- Membership.
Astronomische Gesellschaft (Germany) -- Publishing.
Reviews in Modern Astronomy.
AG Abstract Series.
Astronomy -- Publishing.
Astronomy -- Societies, etc. -- Germany (West).
Learned institutions and societies -- Germany (West).
Germany (West) -- Learned insitutions and societies.
Astronomische Gesellschaft. Archiv. Landessternwarte Kn̲igstuhl 69117 Heidelberg