Aitken, T. W.
T. W. Aitken papers, 1956-1965.
Lecture notes and handouts on thermodynamics, 1956; lecture notes on dynamics and other topics. Includes exam papers in Natural Philosophy, 1956; two binders of lecture notes on a number of subjects, including experiments for students, 1958; folder of lecture notes on nuclear physics, 1959; research notes, including a paper on 'An Ionization Current Integrator' (11 Jan 1965) and notes on the Glasgow 340 MeV Synchrotron, 1965; three notebooks containing research notes for unspecified experiments, 1958-1962; natural philosophy notebooks containing descriptions of experiments, their form and outcome, 1960-61.
Research physicist. Studied under Prof. Phillip Ivor Dee at University of Glasgow; awarded PhD in 1966. Senior Scientific Officer with the Science Research Council at Daresbury Nuclear Physics Laboratory.
Nuclear physics.
Natural philosophy -- Study and teaching -- Scotland.
Lecture notes. aat
Physicists -- Scotland.
Glasgow University. Archive Services. 13 Thurso Street, Glasgow G11 6PE