France. Dľǧation gňřale ̉la recherche scientifique et technique, 1958-1981.
French government records, 1939-1976 (bulk 1961-1974)
Records, mostly 1961-1974, of divisions and scientific counselors, including the Consil supřieur de la recherche scientifique et du progrs̈ technique. Of special note for physics history are materials on nuclear physics and nuclear energy, including relations with the Commissariat ̉l'ňergie atomique and Euratom; nuclear industry; military applications and civil defense; foreign relations on nuclear energy, especially with the United States and Great Britain. Also materials on relations with CERN (Comit ̌europěn pour les recherches nuclǎires) including particle accelerator (synchrotron) studies. Also materials on the 1963 "Young Turk" group of physicists, notable Lagarrigue; physics education; meetings of physics research planning groups.
DGRST (Dľǧu ̌gňřal de la recherche scientifique et technique), created 1958, terminated 1981, ancestor of the Ministr̈e de Recherche.
European Council for Nuclear Research
France. Commissariat ̉l'ňergie atomique
Civil defense -- France.
Military-industrial complex -- France.
Particle accelerators -- Research -- France.
Physics -- Education.
Physics -- Political aspects -- France.
Physics -- Research.
Nuclear energy -- International cooperation -- Great Britain.
Nuclear energy -- International cooperation -- France.
Nuclear energy -- International cooperation -- United States.
Nuclear industry -- France.
Nuclear physics -- France.
Physics -- History -- France.
Synchrotrons -- Research -- France.
Application forms. aat
Government records -- France. aat
Lagarrigue, Andr,̌ 1924-1975 -- Friends and associates.
France. Conseil supřieur de la recherche scientifique de la recherche scientifique et du progrs̈ technique.
Archives Nationales. Centre des Archives contemporaines. 2, rue des Archives, Fountainebleau