Saha, M. N., 1893-1956.
M. N. Saha correspondence, 1920-1954.
Consists of 850 letters written by and to M.N. Saha. This correspondence includes letters from and to heads-of-state, such as Nehru and Radhakrishnan politicians, bureaucrats, astrophysicists and physicists. These latter include H. J. Bhabha, S. S. Bhatnagar, D. M. Bose, S. Chandresekhar, Arthur H. Compton, P. A. M. Dirac, A. S. Eddington, A. Einstein, A. Fowler, R. H. Fowler, H. Groot, D. S. Kothari, J. E. Lennard Jones, P. C. Mahalanolis, E. A. Milne, S. N. Mitra, Gilbert Murray, P. C. Ray, Henry Russel, Rutherford, and Harlow Shapley.
M. N. Saha is among the founding fathers of theoretical astrophysics, providing the formula that brought astronomy and atomic physics together. He was Professor of Physics at Allahabad University, and later founder director of what is now called the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Calcutta. His area of research was largely ionospheric physics and nuclear physics.
Bhabha, Homi Jehangir, 1909-1966
Bhatnagar, Shanti Swarupa, Sir, 1894-1955.
Chandrasekhar, S. (Subrahmanyan), 1910-1995
Compton, Arthur Holly, 1892-1962
Dirac, P. A. M. (Paul Adrien Maurice), 1902-1984
Eddington, Arthur Stanley, Sir, 1882-1944
Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955
Fowler, A. (Alfred), 1868-1940
Fowler, R. H. (Ralph Howard), 1889-1944.
Groot, H. (Herko), 1890-
Kothari, D. S.
Mahalanobis, P. C. (Prasanta Chandra), 1893-1972
Milne, Edward Arthur, 1896-1950
Mitra, S. N.
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 1889-1964.
Radhakrishnan, S. (Sarvepalli), 1888-1975.
Rutherford, Ernest, 1871-1937
Shapley, Harlow, 1885-1972.
Science and state -- India.
Bose, Debendra Mohan, 1885-1975.
Lennard-Jones, J. E. (John Edward), 1894-
Murray, Gilbert.
Ray, P. C.
Russel, Henry.
Nehru Memorial Museum and Library. Manuscript Section. New Delhi