Rayleigh, John William Strutt, Baron, 1842-1919.
Items in various series of The Royal Society, 1870-1908.
Materials by or relating to J. W. Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, are in the following series: Referees Reports: 38 reports by Lord Rayleigh on papers by other scientists. 12 reports on papers by Lord Rayleigh. Miscellaneous Correspondence: 14 letters. Manuscripts (General): 3 letters to Arthur Schuster (Schuster Correspondence), 1 letter to T. E. Thorpe (Thorpe Letters). Council Documents: 4 items. Miscellaneous Manuscripts: 3 items. Topic: physics, electro-magnetism.
Educated at Trinity College Cambridge and graduated as Senior Wrangler 1865. Smith's Prizeman 1865, Fellow of Trinity. Succeeded as 3rd Baron Rayleigh 1873. Cavendish Professor of Physics at Cambridge, 1879-184. Secretary to Royal Society 1887-1896. Royal medal 1882. Copley Medal 1899. O. M. P. C. Nobel Prize 1904. 38th President of the Royal Society 1905-1908.
Rayleigh, Robert John Strutt, Baron, 1875-1947
Schuster, Arthur, Sir, 1851-1934
Papers. aat
Reports. aat
Physicists. lcsh
Thorpe, T. E.
Royal Society. 6 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG, England Uk