Grant, Robert, 1814-1892.
Items in various series of The Royal Society, 1852-1885.
Materials by or relating to Robert Grant can be found in the following series: Lubbock Letters: 7 letters. Herschel Letters: 5 letters to J. F. W. Herschel. Miscellaneous Correspondence: 4 letters (to Royal Society and Warren De La Rue). Manuscripts (General): 3 letters in the Sabine Letters (to Allen Thomson and Edward Sabine).
Studied at King's College, Aberdeen and in 1841 entered his brother's counting house in London. He began to collect material for his 'History of Physical Astronomy' (1852). He went to Paris and attended the lectures of Arago and Leverrier. His work gained him in 1856 the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society. F. R. A. S., 1850, L. L. D, Aberdeen, 1855. F. R. S., 1865. He worked at the Royal Observatory (Greenwich) and in 1859 was appointed Professor of Astronomy in the University of Glasgow and Director of the Observatory there.
Herschel, John F. W. (John Frederick William), Sir, 1792-1871.
Lubbock, J. W. (John William), Sir, 1803-1865.
Sabine, Edward, Sir, 1788-1883
Royal Society (Great Britain)
Astronomers lcsh
De La Rue, Warren, 1815-1889.
Thomson, Allen.
Royal Society. 6 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG, England Uk