Petavel, Joseph Ernest, Sir, 1873-1936.
Items in various series of The Royal Society, 1898-1917.
Materials by or relating to Joseph Ernest Petavel can be found in the following series: Miscellaneous Correspondence: 10 letters to the Royal Society; Referees Reports: 2 joint reports by (i) Foster and Griffiths and (ii) Abney and Harcourt on papers by Petavel.
Educated at University College London. Professor of engineering and director of Whitworth Laboratories, University of Manchester 1908-1919. Director of the National Physical Laboratory, 1919-1936. K. B. E. 1920. F. R. S. 1907.
Royal Society (Great Britain) -- Records and correspondence.
Papers. aat
Reports. aat
Physicists. lcsh
Royal Society. 6 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AG, England Uk