Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. Accelerator and Fusion Research Division.
LBL 184-Inch Cyclotron logbooks and records, 1946-1987.
Log books; photographs; notebooks. Operations log books (1946-1987) provide daily documentation of the setup of the cyclotron, the scientists conducting the experiments, all test measurements regarding the operation, and information on malfunctions and repairs of the cyclotron. Electrical maintenance log books (1946-1973) document, by day and event, cyclotron engineers' efforts to solve problems in the operation of the cyclotron. Miscellaneous log books (ca. 1946-1963) document specific scientific challenges to building, maintaining, and upgrading the cyclotron; includes log notebooks on the cyclotron vacuum system, radio frequency modification, auxiliary coil winding and other technical concerns. Photographs (ca. 1946-ca. 1953) are of cyclotron equipment, processes, and results. Notebooks (ca. 1947-ca. 1956) document numerous activities of construction and modification of the cyclotron, research notes, monthly mechanical job reports, as well as the cyclotron treatment schedules for cancer patients; they include specifications, drawings, blueprints, and workplans.
The 184-inch cyclotron marked the birth of experiemtnal high-energy physics in the laboratory. Its innovative technical design exploed the frontiers beyond 100 million electron volts (MeV). Construction of the 184-inch cyclotron began in 1940. The cyclotron was first operatorated in 1945; in 1947 it wsa upgraded to a synchrocyclotron. the 184-inch synchrocyclotron was an immediate outgrowth of the principles of phase stability, discovered simultaneously and independently in the early 1940s by Edwin McMillan at LBL and I. Veksler in the USSR. This machine produced the first human-made meson in 1948. In 1981 the 184-inch cyclotron was dedicated to medical research. In controlled patient trials, 900 MeV alpha particles (helion ions) were used for pituitary and cancer therapy.
Cyclotrons -- Design and construction.
Cyclotrons -- History.
Laboratory notes. aat aat
Logs (records). aat
Photographs. aat
National Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Sierra Region. 1000 Commodore Drive, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA