United States. President's Committee on Scientists and Engineers.
President's Committee on Scientists and Engineers records, 1956-1958.
Includes correspondence, press releases, speeches, printed materials, vouchers, local-action kits, telegrams, programs, itineraries, minutes of committee meetings, progress reports to the President, and inter-office memoranda relating to the committee's responsibilities and programs for promoting growth in the supply of scientific and technological manpower in the United States. Correspondents include Arthur S. Adams, Howard L. Bevis, Bronk, Detlev, Robert L. Clark, Coleman, John S., William L. Everitt, Charles F. Kettering, S. Paul Shackleton, E. D. Vinogradoff, and Alan T. Waterman.
The National Committee for the Development of Scientists and Engineers was establishe by the President on April 3, 1956. The name of the Committee was changed to the President's Committee on Scientists and Engineers on May 7, 1957. The President's Committee, created as the result of recommendations of an earlier Special Interdepartmental Committee, took action in all appropraite ways to promote a substantial growth in the national supply of scientific and technological manpower. The Committee Chairman was Howard L. Bevis, President-emeritus of Ohio State University, and the Vice-Chairman was Eric Walker, President of Pennsylvania State University. The Committee was made up of representatives from major national organizations concerned with the education, training, and utilization of scientific and engineering personnel. The final report of the Committee was submitted to the President on December 17, 1958, and the Committee expired on December 31, 1958.
United States. President's Committee on Scientists and Engineers -- Administration.
Career patterns -- Planning -- United States.
Education -- Planning -- United States.
Engineers -- Training of -- United States.
Executive advisory bodies -- United States -- Documentation.
Manpower policy -- United States.
Manpower planning -- United States.
Science -- Education -- United States.
Scientists -- Training of -- United States.
Itineraries. aat
Memorandums. aat
Minutes. aat
Press releases. aat
Reports. aat
Speeches. aat
Telegrams. aat
Vouchers. aat
Adams, Arthur S. (Arthur Stanton), 1896-1980
Bevis, Howard L.
Bronk, Detlev W. (Detlev Wulf), 1897-1975
Clark, Robert L.
Coleman, John S.
Duncan, Paul.
Everitt, W. L. (William Littell), 1900-
Kettering, Charles Franklin, 1876-1958
Shackleton, S. Paul.
Vinogradoff, E. D.
Waterman, Alan Tower, 1892-1967
Dwight D. Eisenhower Library. Abilene, KS 67410, USA