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Ananthaswamy, Anil, author.
Through two doors at once : the elegant experiment that captures the enigma of our quantum reality / Anil Ananthaswamy.
"It's the story of quantum mechanics told through the lens of the 'double-slit' experiment, showing how light passing through two slits cut into a cardboard sheet first challenged our understanding of light and the nature of reality almost two hundred years ago--and continues to do so"-- Provided by publisher.
Many of science's greatest minds have grappled with the simple yet elusive "double-slit" experiment that Thomas Young devised in the early 1800s to show that light behaves like a wave. Decade after decade, hypothesis after hypothesis, scientists have returned to this experiment to help them answer deeper and deeper questions about the fabric of the universe. Ananthaswamy travels around the world and through history, to examine quantum mechanics from the perspective of this experiment and its variations. -- adapted from jacket
Quantum theory -- Popular works.
Wave theory of light -- Popular works.
Reality -- Popular works.