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Schn̲wiese, Christian-Dietrich.
Climate trend atlas of Europe based on observations, 1891-1990 / by Christian-D Schn̲wiese and Jr̲g Rapp.
Climate varies on all scales of time and space and this problem is a matter of intensive discussion in both science and public affairs. Whereas the reason (natural and anthropogenic) of climate change are various, complicated and not clearly understood, there is much observational data available on climate change. However, these data need proper statistical analysis to become informative and applicable. Focussed on the industrial period of the past 100 years in Europe, this Atlas provides this observational-statistical information using the concept of selected climate element (temperature, precipitation, humidity, pressure) change charts specified for different months or seasons of the year, including tests of statistical confidence. There are, of course, a number of problems in detail: reliability and accuracy of data, time series homogeneity, adequate spatial interpolation, graphical presentation and so on.
This is outlined in an introductory text which also summarizes the main findings of climate trend analysis. Bearing in mind the recent World Meteorological Organization (WMO) climate normal (CLINO) period, the authors have also calculated, in addition to 1891-1990, the 1961-1990 trends. In total, 316 trend charts are presented which allow an overview and a detailed analysis of the geographical patterns of climate change in Europe. Scientists dealing with climate problems as well as all those concerned with its effects (economics, agriculture, energy etc.) will benefit from this information.
Climatology. fast (OCoLC)fst00864281
Klimaatveranderingen. gtt
Climat -- Europe -- Histoire -- Atlas. ram
Europe -- Climate -- Charts, diagrams, etc.
Europe -- Climate -- History.
Europe. fast (OCoLC)fst01245064
Charts, diagrams, etc. fast (OCoLC)fst01423732
Rapp, Jr̲g.