Baz , A. I. (Al fred Ivanovich), 1931-1978.
Scattering, reactions and decay in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. (Rasseyanie, reaktsii i raspady v nerelyativistskoi kvantovoi mekhanike) [By] A.I. Baz , Ya. B. Zel dovich and A.M. Perelomov. [Translated by Z. Lerman.].
Nuclear physics.
Quantum theory.
Nuclear physics. fast (OCoLC)fst01040386
Quantum theory fast (OCoLC)fst01085128
Zel dovich, I A . B. (I A kov Borisovich), author.
Perelomov, A. M. (Askol d Mikha lovich), 1935- author.