Freeman, John W.
Storms in space / John W. Freeman ; foreword by George Siscoe.
"This is a synopsis of man's current understanding of the space environment. The book discusses the strong similarities between terrestrial weather and space weather, and goes on to describe the causes and effects of space storms, and how they can be monitored by satellites and from observatories on Earth. The forecasting of storms in space is presented, along with prospects for improved models in the future." "Freeman's story is written in a clear and engaging fashion, accessible to all levels of readership. The book will be valuable to space scientists, physicists, astronomers and anyone with an interest in understanding the phenomenon of space weather."--BOOK JACKET.
Space environment.
Espace -- Effets des temptĚŠes. ram
Polarlicht. swd
Solar-terrestrische Physik. swd
Weltraum. swd
Sonnenwind. swd